Tiny, fast and unopinionated state management library for Vue!


Tiny and fast state management library for VueJS

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Kogara ment to be lightweight. Most of the library features are dev only, which will be tree-shaken to make a build weigh smaller than 1KB.


Kogara means petite/tiny in Japanese, it ment to be small and fast. When built, there will be no overhead other than lazy stores.


Thanks to it is' being flex, you can even use any Vueuse composables, all of Vue's reactivity methods and your custom composables.


Kogara is SSR ready by default. It also supports Nuxt with @kogara/nuxt package which gives you the best SSR experience.


Kogara's main aim is having great developer experience. For this purpose we have full devtools support by default.


Stores are built lazy, until you use them anywhere, they won't be created. You can also dispose them anytime you want.